
For my academic work I have been awarded the following:

  • 2010: The British Tinnitus Association Jack Shapiro Prize for best academic paper on tinnitus from a UK Institution

  • 2015: The British Tinnitus Association Jack Shapiro Prize for best academic paper on tinnitus from a UK Institution

  • 2011: The British Society of Audiology Thomas Simm Littler prize in for an outstanding academic contribution to the discipline of audiology

  • 2018: The British Tinnitus Association Jack Shapiro Prize for best academic paper on tinnitus from a UK Institution


McKenna, L. & Vogt, F. (2024) Stressful Life Events and Tinnitus: Reflections and Speculations.  HNO

Daumon, N., Erlandson, S., Samson, S. Hobeika, L., Cima, R., McKenna, L. & Londero, A. (2024) Psychological models of tinnitus. In: A. Muller, B. Langguth, D. DeRidder, S. Vanneste, T. Kleinjung, & W. Schlee. Textbook of Tinnitus (2nd edition). Springer.

 McKenna, L. & Vogt, F. Mindfulness. (2024) In: A. Muller, B. Langguth, D. DeRidder, S. Vanneste, T. Kleinjung, & W. Schlee. Textbook of Tinnitus (2nd edition). Springer.

Cramer, L., Vogt, F., McKenna, L. & Marks, E. (2023) How people with tinnitus-related insomnia experience group CBT-for-insomnia (CBTi): a thematic analysis, International Journal of Audiology, DOI: 10.1080/14992027.2022.2161016

Marks, E., Hallsworth, C., Vogt, F., Klein, H. & McKenna, L. (2022) Cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBTi) as a treatment for tinnitus-related insomnia: a randomised controlled trial, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, DOI: 10.1080/16506073.2022.2084155

McKenna, L., Baguley, D. & McFerran, D. (2021) Living with tinnitus and hyperacusis (2nd edition) London: Hodder.

McKenna, L & Marks, E. (2021) The psychological management of tinnitus related insomnia. In R. Tyler (ed) Tinnitus Treatments: Clinical Protocols (2nd edition). Thieme.

Marks, E., Smith, P. & McKenna, L (2020) I wasn’t at war with the noise: How Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy changes patient’s experience of tinnitus. Frontiers in Psychology 11:483.  doi: 0.3389/fpsyg.2020.00483

McKenna, L., Marks. E. & Vogt, F. (2020) Current Validated Medical Treatments for Tinnitus: Cognitive behavioral therapy. Otolaryngol Clin N Am 53 (2020) 605–615

Marks, E., McKenna, L. & Vogt, F. (2020) Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy for tinnitus: Evaluation of long-term outcomes.  Clinical Psychology Forum, 334 (October 2020); 45-50.

McKenna, L., Marks, E.M., Vogt, F. Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy for chronic tinnitus: Evaluation of benefits in a large sample of patients attending a tinnitus clinic. (2017) Ear & Hearing. DOI:10.1097/AUD.0000000000000491

Marks, E., Smith, P. &  McKenna, L .(2019) Living with tinnitus and the healthcare journey: An interpretative phenomenological analysis.  British Journal of Health Psychology. DOI: 10.1111/bjhp.12351

Marks, E.M., McKenna, L., & Vogt, F.  (2019) Cognitive behavior therapy for tinnitus related insomnia: evaluating a new treatment approach. International Journal of Audiology. 58 (5) 311-316. DOI: 10.1080/14992027.2018.1547927

McKenna, L., Marks, E., Hallsworth, C. &  Schaette, R., (2017) Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy compared to Relaxation Training for Chronic Tinnitus: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. 86:351–361. DOI: 10.1159/000478267

Brüggemann, P., Szczepek, AJ., Rose, M., McKenna, L., Olze, H. & Mazurek, B. (2016) Impact of Multiple Factors on the Degree of Tinnitus Distress. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 10:341. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2016.00341

Andersson, G., Hesser, H. & McKenna, L. (2016) Psychological mechanisms and tinnitus. In: D. Baguley & M. Fagelson (eds) Tinnitus: Clinical and Research Perspectives. Plural Publishing.

McKenna, L. & Scott, D. Sleep. In: Tyler, R. (Ed) (2015). The Consumer Handbook on Tinnitus. Sedona, Arizona: Auricle Ink Publishers

McKenna L, Handscomb L, Hoare, D. J. & Hall, D. A. (2014) A scientific cognitive-behavioral model of tinnitus: novel conceptualizations of tinnitus distress. Front. Neurol.5:196.doi:10.3389/fneur.2014.00196